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Abstract Topic: Vocational Education and Educational Technology

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Development E-Learning Based MOODLE in Maritime Subjects in Class XI SMK Bahari Hang Tuah Belawan
Ibrahim(a*), R.Mursid(b), Sriadhi(b)

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Ibrahim Boim

Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to find out about: 1) to find out the development of moodle-based e-learning on Maritime Subjects in class XI Hang Tuah Belawan Maritime Vocational School which was developed to be used as learning media, 3) to find out the development of moodle-based e-learning on maritime subjects in XI Hang Tuah Belawan Maritime Vocational School developed effectively used in improving student learning outcomes compared to powerpoint learning media. The development model used in e-learning learning media is the development model of Borg and Gall with the learning design of the Dick and Carey Models. The results of this study are 1) Moodle-based E-learning in maritime Subjects in Class XI Hang Tuah Belawan Maritime Vocational School is feasible to be used as learning media, 2) Learning outcomes of students using Moodle-based E-learning in maritime Subjects in Class XI SMK Bahari Hang Tuah Belawan is higher than student learning outcomes using powerpoint learning media.

E-learning based on Moodle, Maritime

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


Implementation of The Teaching Factory On Training Management Model Development of Diploma III Students in Mechanical Engineering Departement, State University Medan
Siti Aisyah Siregar, Eka Daryanto, Restu

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siti aisyah siregar

Departemen of Educational Administration
Postgraduate Program State university of medan

This research aim to determine the design of teaching factory, analyze the design manual and analyzing teaching factory quality control and follow-up in the development of the management model student training Diploma Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Medan. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. The collection of data through interviews, observation and documentation. Qualitative data analysis techniques using the theory of Miles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that the design of teaching factory on three diploma students of mechanical engineering design was grouped based learning, competence of graduates, the curriculum has been adopted, industry cooperation in the production process, the works carried out in the industry, and infrastructure. presented the results obtained as well as get feedback (feedback) from the lecturer / instructor. Evaluation should assess overall than contains, input, process and product. Quality control and follow-up is still limited communication between faculty, and student production unit. Quality teaching factory activity in management training should be able to create industrial culture in the workshop and become one of the sources of funding for faculty. Need invented ongoing cooperation with the industry to expand the field.

Implementation of teaching factory, teaching factory, management training

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


Implementation of training management model or students of students of Diploma Three in Faculty of Mechanical Enginering Medan State University.
Leni Purwati, Rosmala Dewi, Darwin

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Postgraduate Medan State University

The study aims to determine the implementation of training management models for students of students of Diploma Three in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Medan State University. The purpose of this study is to develop a theoretical design of the training management model, the implementation of the training management model, and the internal validation of the training management model. This research use descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were field studies in the form of observation, interview, and documentation with the head of study program, The Head of the Workshop, students and employees of the Diploma Three of Mechanical Engineering in Medan State University related to management training in the Diploma Three of Mechanical Engineering Medan State University. The results showed that the training management model in Diploma Three of the Faculty of Engineering Medan State University has not been well organized, because the training management itself is still integrated with the product design course, that is because there is no training management that has a standalone organizational structural or separate from the subject, so that the training carried out at Diploma Three of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Medan State University is more effective, efficient and in accordance with the expected achievements.

implementation, management, training

Vocational Education and Educational Technology



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School of Postgraduate, Educational Administration Department
State University of Medan

Needs analysis is the formal process to determine the gap between the ideal form and the current condition. This research aimed to analyze the needs of developing student training management models in Diploma III mechanical engineering department. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach method. The data is collected by interview, observation and documentation. The subjects of this research are lecturers, instructors, students and the stakeholders. The results shows that: 1) training courses at Diploma mechanical engineering is using guided inquiry models, the training schedule has been set, the competence of the students is already fit to mechanical engineering vision and mission, 2) graduates are currently working in factories based on their Department during college term, and 3) priority needs in the development of training model of management was started from the organization level, i.e by developing a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that is in accordance with the vision and mission of mechanical engineering. The implications of this research are: establishment of cooperation with the industry, the improvement of SOP in accordance with the competence needed, and also the improvement of students competence.

needs analysis, training management model

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


wuri dwiyati

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Wuri Dwiyati


WURI DWIYATI, 8176121007, Development of Learning E-Module for body care Based on Discovery Learning in Makeup Student Education Studies Program, State University of Medan. This study aims to: (1) study the feasibility of e-module body care learning based on learning discovery, and (2) learn the effectiveness of e-module body learning based on learning discovery. This type of research is development research using Borg and Gall products combined with the Dick and Carey learning development model. This model contains six stages, namely: literature study, planning and design development, product development, expert validation, trials, revisions, and final products. The trial subjects consisted of two material experts, two learning design experts, two video learning media experts, three students for individual testing, nine students for small group trials, and forty students for field trials. The results of the study show; (1) expert study material test based on excellent qualifications (93.75%), (2) learning design expert test in accordance with good qualifications (80.08%), (3) test video learning media experts in accordance with very good qualifications ( 89, 99%). The results of the hypothesis submission prove that: (1) the e-module learning media is appropriate to be used in the learning of nursing bodies in educational study programs in Medan state universities, (2)Students who are taught by using body care learning e-modules with student learning outcomes are learned by using textbook learning media. This discusses the results of data processing t count = 3.285 at the significance level &

pengembangan e-modul pembelajaran; perawatan badan berbasis discovery learning

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


Talent Scouting of Sport in Junior High School Students at Kecamatan Silokahean Kabupaten Simalungun, 2019
Agus Edi Syahputra Siahaan, Novita, Albadi Sinulingga

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Agus Edi Syahputra Siahaan Siahaan

Pendidikan Olahraga
Program Pasca Sarjana
Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to determine the potential of students in sports through talent scouting. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using survey methods and data collection techniques using test and measurement techniques. The population and sample of this study involved eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Silou Kahean, SMP Negeri 2 Silou Kahean and SMP Orasi Indo Silou Kahean who were aged between 12-14 years in Kabupaten Simalungun. The data analysis techniques in the study by following the norm formula that has been prepared and validated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports namely Guiding and Sports Talent Development. The results of talent scouting for junior high school students in Desa Silou Kahean showed that there were no students who had high talent in sports. This is because the work of these students after returning from school is to help their parents farm so that they do not play activities according to the needs and development of children aged 12-14 years.

Telent Scouting, Sport, Junior High School

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


The Developing Of Interactive Learning Media In Improving The Learning Creativity Of 4-6 Year-Old Playgroup Students In Paud Kenanga Raya Medan
Romi(a*) R.Mursid(b), Naeklan Simbolon(b)

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Romi Romi

Department of Education Technology
Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Medan

Based on the previous observation on Kenanga Raya PAUD students learning activity on animal, both teachers and students stated that they are unfamiliar and have not applied interactive learning media, where as, in reality, teachers now adays are in great needs of interactive learning media for they have adequate computer facilities. The result of the validators research shows that the appropriateness is 91.4% according to media expert, 90.6% from material expert and 87.9% from learning design expert. The individual students learning creativity resulted in 81.7% and 91.0% on small group, whereas, the on field experiment (large group) is 89.2%. The Normality test result is Lcount 0.10 < Ltable 0.140 on the significant stage of 5 % which means the students whose learning process involving the use of power-point learning media shows normal distribution concerning the students learning creativity result. Mean while, the homogeneity test is resulted in Fcount0.41< Ftable 1.69 within 5% significant range which means the result on the students creativity having applied interactive learning media on animal topic and those applying the power-point interactive learning media on animal topic is homogenous. The Hypothesis testing using t test is resulted in tcount 2.01> ttable 1.69 which means there is a significant difference and it also means that the 4-6 year-old students learning activity taught by using interactive learning media on animal topic and the average results of those using power-point learning media is acceptable and trustworthy. Referring to the research outcome, it is concluded that the developing product is appropriate and effective to be applied as the learning media on teaching animal for Playgroup students.

Interactive Learning Media To Enchance, ASSURE learning model and Creativity Learning of Early Child Students

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


The Effect of Learning Media and Learning Motivation of French Language
Pajid Bukit

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Pajid Bukit

Faculty Of Educational Technology, Universitas Negeri Medan
JL.Pasar V Timur , Banten Timur, Medan Kota, 20224 Medan , Sumatera Utara

This research aim to find out: (1) The learning outcomes of French students who are taught with video learning media are higher than the results of learning French in students whose are taught with module learning media. (2) The learning outcomes of French students who have high motivation are higher than the results of learning French students who have low learning motivation. (3) The interaction between learning media and student motivation towards learning outcomes in French. The conclusion of the research are as follows (1) The results of learning French in the classroom with video learning media are higher than the results of learning French in the classroom with module learning media in students of 3 Senior High School Medan (2)The results of learning French students with high learning motivation are higher than students with low learning motivation (3) There is an interaction between learning media and learning motivation towards learning outcomes of French in students of 3 Senior High School Medan

Media, Module, Motivation

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


The Effect of Learning Model Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) with Multimedia and Creative Thinking Abilities on Learning Outcomes of Vocational Learning Design
R. Mursid, Harun Sitompul, Abdul Hasan Saragih

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R Mursid

Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to determine the differences in HOTS-based learning models for learning outcomes of vocational learning design, differences in the ability to think creatively towards learning outcomes in vocational learning design; and the interaction between HOTS-based learning models with multimedia and the ability to think creatively towards the learning outcomes of vocational learning design. The research method is quasi-experimental. The statistical test used is descriptive statistics to present data and proceed with inferential statistics using two-way ANOVA followed by further tests. The results showed that there were differences in learning outcomes for vocational learning design taught using HOTS-based learning models with higher multimedia than learning outcomes taught with expository learning models with multimedia, there were differences in learning outcomes for vocational learning design that had higher creative thinking abilities. than those who have low creative thinking ability; and there is an interaction between HOTS-based learning models with multimedia and the ability to think creatively on the learning outcomes of vocational learning design.

learning model; higher order thinking skills; multimedia; creative thinking; vocational learning design

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


The Effect of Learning Strategies and Achievement Motivation on Entrepreneurship Learning Outcomes of Scout Special Unit Education and Culture Program BP-PAUD Dan DIKMAS Sumatera Utara
Johanes Pasaribu, Mukhtar, Julaga Situmorang

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Johanes Pasaribu

Post Graduated of Educational Technology
State University of Medan
Medan, Indonesia
Email: joe_jeremy[at]

This study aims to find out, the learning outcomes of entrepreneurship between learners had taught with the Contextual Teaching and Learning strategy and the expository strategy type, the learning outcomes of entrepreneurship learners with high achievement motivation and learners with low achievement motivation, and the interaction between learning strategies and achievement motivation towards learning outcomes. Type of research method used quasi experimental 2x2 factorial design and followed by Scheffe-Test. The results of this study concluded: The entrepreneurship learning outcomes of the learners who were taught by Contextual Teaching and Learning strategies were higher than the expository learning strategies, the entrepreneurship learning outcomes of learners with high achievement motivation were higher than low achievement motivation and there was an interaction between the learning strategies and achievement motivation towards the learning outcomes. This means that Contextual Teaching and Learning strategies better teach learners with high achievement motivation and the learners with low achievement motivation are better taught by the expository strategies.

Learning Strategies, Achievement Motivation, Learning Outcomes.

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


The Influence of Cooperative Learning Models and Talent of Space Relations To Learning Drawing Techniques for Class X Students in Vocational High School
Dian Ariana, Abdul Hamid K , Mukhtar,Maria Ulfa

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Dian Ariana

State University of Medan and Samudra University

This study aims to find out: (1) Results of learning to draw techniques students taught by the Jigsaw learning model higher than the STAD learning model. (2) Results learning outcomes of Drawing Technique students who have a talent for high space relationships are higher than the results of Drawing learning Techniques that have low spatial relationship talent (3) Are there interactions between learning models and talents of space relations to students learning outcomes in Drawing Engineering. This study was conducted on students State Vocatioan High School 2 Langsa and students of Karang Baru State Vocational School, Aceh Tamiang Regency, class X Even Semester Academic Year 2019/2020. The technique sampling was used with Cluster Random Sampling based on each students that consisting of 25 people for the first experimental class and 25 people for the second experimental group. The research method used was quasi-experimental with factorial 2x2. The analysis technique used was the analysis of two-way variance with a significant level of &

Learning Model, Talent Space Relations and Learning Drawing Techniques.

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


The Use of Problem Based-Learning in Teaching French
Farahdiba (a), Abdul Hasan Saragih (b), Naeklan Simbolon (b)

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Farahdiba Manurung

Universitas Negeri Medan

The aim of this research is for knowing the effect of learning model and learning motivation on French learning outcomes. The learning model used in this research are Project Based-Learning and Contextual Teaching and Learning. The research method was quasi-experimental study using factorial 2 x 2 designs. The population consisted of 280 students in the second grade of public senior high school in Medan in the second semester 2018-2019 academic year and the sample consisted of 66 students. The technique of data analysis used is ANOVA two ways. The conclusion of the research shows that: there is effect between students French learning outcomes which is taught using Project Based-Learning with Contextual Teaching and Learning. The learning outcomes of French taught by using Project Based-Learning is higher than the learning outcomes of French taught by using Contextual Teaching and Learning, there is an effect between students French learning outcomes who have higher learning motivation and the lower ones, that there is interaction between learning model and learning motivation to French learning results

Learning Model, Project Based-Learning, Contextual Teaching and Learning, Learning Motivation

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


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